Steve’s Goods CBD Oil For Pets

5.0 / 5 stars
  • Price: $ - Low Cost
  • Third party tested? Yes
  • Potency: 75mg - 300mg
  • CBD Type: Full Spectrum

This CBD oil is a full spectrum variant that you can give to all your furry friends. It is not targeted towards dogs or cats in particular. This CBD oil works for cats, dogs, rabbits, and all your other furry friends.

It is very helpful when your pet suffers from chronic illnesses. This formula aims to help alleviate pain and enhance the overall health of your pet. It is extracted from organic hemp and has a concentration of 300 mg of CBD. However, this product also comes in a 15mL variant with 75mg potency, 15mL with 150mg, and 30mL with 150mg.

It comes in a 30 ml bottle along with a dropper. You can control the amount of CBD oil you give your pet with the help of this dropper. Give your pet a few drops depending on their weight after consulting with your vet.

You can either add these drops to their food or water bowls or directly into their mouth. CBD oil may take a little longer to work if you choose to give it to them with their food and water.